Piel Cambiada

sábado, julio 15, 2006

After a hard working week

Sometimes, I feel like a bunch of emotions, all flowing out, pouring out of my heart... This has been a rough working week, so much feelings, so much situations, sometimes... I can't handle well, but at the last moment... a spark of happiness, a little spark of love... and all gets better.

I wonder if it's only me that feels that way, who sometimes feel that there is not hope, that there is no future... and then, all of the sudden, everything changes...

My crazy life, my almost impossible dreams come all together at once, and, make me feel some kind of confused, some kind of hopeless, but... in one minute everything changes...

Life, is the best treasure, I was ever given, so, I hope to live it at full, to be fulfilled with what I do and what I feel everyday... Life...

I believe in Life, I believe in love... I believe that the sun will shine, in a new way everyday, even when the deepest darkness had visited me the night before... so, I will go on in my quest to achieve happiness, to achieve the greatest love of all.... I will go on...
posted by Unknown at 6:55 a.m.


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